Hanslope News

Village Hall 100 Club
The winning number for Jan 2012 is 116 and the holder wins £74.50. Why not join the 100 Club and support your  village hall!

New Police non-Emergency telephone number
Thames Valley Police has gone live with 101, the new national single non-emergency number, which replaces 0845 8 505 505. The 101 number should be used for all non-emergency calls. In an emergency,  still call 999. Calls to 101 (from both landlines and mobile networks) cost 15 pence per call. For more information see the guidance on the Thames Valley Police website.

Plans for Proposed Community & Youth Facility Building
Draft plans for this village project now available. See here for further information.

Off to college or Uni?
Live in Hanslope and going to college or university? Would you like some help with financing your course specific books or essential materials? The Feoffee Estate may be able to assist. See here for further information.

Results of recent Parish Poll
The results of the recent parish poll are available here – parish_poll.pdf
Worried about the proposed Wind Farm? A campaign is underway to oppose the plans – for more details see http://saveoursalcey.com/

Recent Minutes
The most recent Parish Council minutes are available on the Parish Council page. Minutes for the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) can be found on the Community Safety page.

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