STOP PRESS: Lead stolen from Church Roof AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!

Sometime overnight 3rd-4th November 2012 thieves stole a considerable quantity of lead from the South Aisle Roof.  Church goers were greeted on Sunday Morning to a large flood in the south aisle and water cascading down the south wall to the east of the kitchen.  A major mop up operation enabled the morning Eucharist to start just 15 minutes late.  Due to the prompt support and help of Gray Brothers, local builders, the damaged roof was covered in tarpaulins by nightfall on Sunday.

Did you see anything suspicious around St James Church during Saturday evening/early Sunday morning?  If you did please inform the Police as soon as possible.

Hanslope residents please be alert around the Church because these thieves are often known to return to finish the job!  If you seeing anything suspicious around St James Church please ring the Police.

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