Hanslope and District Men’s Fellowship Christmas Lunch 2012

A group of gentlemen and their guests from Hanslope and District’s Men’s Fellowship has a very pleasant and enjoyable Christmas Lunch at The Watts Arms,  Hanslope on Wednesday 12th December 2012.

Our main guest the Rev. Richard Caddell from Haversham Village gave us a very entertaining talk on how an American ex-Naval Helicopter Pilot of eight years experience became a vicar in a group of rural English parishes!  He brought along his Naval Officer’s ceremonial sword – fascinating.

Click on photograph to enlarge in a separate window

Menu Choices included:
Mains: Roast Turkey with Trimmings or Roasted Parsnip, Chestnut and Lentil Pudding.
Desserts:  Christmas Pudding, Banana Boat, Chocolate Fudge Cake or a Choice of Ice Creams.

For more information regarding the Men’s Fellowship contact Phil Michael 01908 510731