Hanslope and District Men’s Fellowship enjoy a Christmas Lunch

The Hanslope and District Men’s Group with guests enjoyed a pleasant and tasty Christmas Lunch at The Watts Arms, Hanslope on Wednesday 12th December 2012.

We were entertained to a fascinating and very entertaining talk by the Rev. Richard Caddell from Haversham Village in which he explained with much humour how an American ex-Naval helicopter pilot of eight years experience became the vicar of a group of English rural parishes!  We were mesmerised and even more so when he passed around his naval officer’s ceremonial sword for us to inspect.

Click on photographs to enlarge:

Menu included:

Mains:  Roast Turkey with trimmings or Roasted Parsnip, Chestnut and Lentil Pudding.
Desserts: Christmas pudding,  Banana Boat, Chocolate Fudge Cake or a choice of ice creams.
Very tasty (with a glass of wine included).

For further information about Hanslope and District Men’s Fellowship contact:

Phil Michael 01908 510731

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