Hanslope Feoffee Charity

Need help with financing your course specific books or  essential materials for College/University? The Feoffee Estate Charity  may be able to help residents of Hanslope in  times of need, please contact the clerk for details.

To find out more or to request an application form please contact :-

Wendy Thomson  (Clerk to the Feoffee Estate Charity)
5 Keswick Rd
Hanslope MK19 7NX
Tel: 01908 510960

I consent for the Hanslope Feoffee Estate to hold my details for the purpose of any applications.

I understand that this information will not be shared with any other party in accordance with our data protection policy.

Please note that all grants are at the discretion of the trustees and all  applications will be treated in confidence and under a policy of equal  opportunity.

Registered Charity Number 207176