Hanslope Health Walkers raise money for Children in Need

Well done the Hanslope Health Walkers who walked on Sunday 9th October as part of the Countryfile Ramble for CHILDREN IN NEED. So far we have raised £205.00.

In addition to on-line donations this includes £76.52 raised in donations on the day and £44.48 raised at Teatime Treats. It’s not too late to donate, just go to: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/hanslopehealthwalkers

Come on Hanslope lets bump the total up.

Every penny really does count! 

To see projects like the ones your fundraising will benefit please take a look at our website where our grants are listed regionally –

there may even be a project close to you! The link is:


Once again thank you for supporting BBC Children In Need!

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