Author Archives: DramaSlug

Children’s Kick Boxing starting in Hanslope 23rd February

Posted in Advert, Hanslope, Hanslope Village Hall | Comments Off on Children’s Kick Boxing starting in Hanslope 23rd February

Woodwind Instrument Lessons – Hanslope

Posted in Advert, Hanslope | Comments Off on Woodwind Instrument Lessons – Hanslope

Hanslope Historical Society January Meeting – NB NEW VENUE

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Historical Society, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Hanslope Historical Society January Meeting – NB NEW VENUE

Candlelit 3 Course Supper with Song – 30th January 2016

Posted in Advert, Castlethorpe, Events, Hanslope, St James the Great Church | Comments Off on Candlelit 3 Course Supper with Song – 30th January 2016

Hanslope & District Carers Support Group CHRISTMAS BUFFET LUNCH

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Carers Group | Comments Off on Hanslope & District Carers Support Group CHRISTMAS BUFFET LUNCH

Hanslope Remembers – Roll of Honour WW1

Full details: Click Here

Posted in Hanslope, World War One Commemoration Committee | Comments Off on Hanslope Remembers – Roll of Honour WW1

Hamex Model Show 7th Year – Saturday 5th December 15

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Village Hall | Comments Off on Hamex Model Show 7th Year – Saturday 5th December 15

November Hanslope & District Health Walk

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Wellbeing Group | Comments Off on November Hanslope & District Health Walk

Teatime Treats – Lincoln Court Monday 2nd November

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Cancer Support Group Meeting Monday 19th October 2015

Posted in Hanslope, Hanslope & District Cancer Support Group, Hanslope Wellbeing Group | Comments Off on Cancer Support Group Meeting Monday 19th October 2015