Author Archives: DramaSlug

Christmas 2012 starts with a BANG in Hanslope

Hanslope’s Christmas has really got going this weekend (15/16th December). There was the successful Christmas Fayre on Saturday with the turning on of the Village Christmas Lights courtesy of The Friends of Hanslope.  Father Christmas was there and there was lots of … Continue reading

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Craft@Chapel – Hanslope Methodist Church 8th December – photographs

Katherine Crowsley writes: Christmas Craft@Chapel was held at Hanslope Methodist Church on Saturday 8th December. Children and adults enjoyed making Christmas crafts such as magazine Christmas tree table decorations, stained glass stars and iced gingerbread biscuits.We then joined together around … Continue reading

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Hanslope and District Men’s Fellowship enjoy a Christmas Lunch

The Hanslope and District Men’s Group with guests enjoyed a pleasant and tasty Christmas Lunch at The Watts Arms, Hanslope on Wednesday 12th December 2012. We were entertained to a fascinating and very entertaining talk by the Rev. Richard Caddell from … Continue reading

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High Spirits at Hanslope WI Christmas Dinner!

Several of the ladies from Hanslope WI, with guests had a magnificent Christmas Meal at The Old Talbot, Pottersbury on Tuesday 11th December 2012. The food was outstanding and choices included: Starters: Spiced Parsnip & Apple Soup, Home made Chicken Liver and Cranberry Pate, Crayfish & … Continue reading

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minus 4°C – Idyllic Hanslope in Winter (12/12/2012)

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Fabulous Evening at Hanslope Village Hall on Friday 8th December 2012 – The Annual HVH Wine Tasting

Charles Bennett, sommelier extraordinaire, and Hanslope Entertainments Group excelled themselves at the Annual Village Hall Wine Tasting on Friday evening. Outstanding wines, and an evening of songs, jokes and skits with a generous helping of audience participation.  Top it all with … Continue reading

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Martin Palmer coordinated a team of villagers aided by Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies planted the 100 tree saplings awarded to the village by the Woodland Trust to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in planting these trees on the recreation … Continue reading

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STOP PRESS: Lead stolen from Church Roof AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!

Sometime overnight 3rd-4th November 2012 thieves stole a considerable quantity of lead from the South Aisle Roof.  Church goers were greeted on Sunday Morning to a large flood in the south aisle and water cascading down the south wall to … Continue reading

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A Floral Celebration – 110 years of Villagers’ Weddings

14, 15, 16th September 2012 -WHAT A PICTURE- -WHAT A PHOTOGRAPH- Scroll through 17 pages of photographs – click here Taster

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Hanslope Horticultural Show 2012

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Hanslope Horticultural Show was held in the Village Hall on Sunday 9th September 2012 and was a great success. Over £200 pound raised for Village Hall Funds. For 15 pages of photographs of exhibits (as a PDF) CLICK HERE  

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