Author Archives: DramaSlug

Hanslope Horticultural Show SATURDAY 2nd September 2017 – Village Hall

Posted in Community, Hanslope, Hanslope Village Hall | Comments Off on Hanslope Horticultural Show SATURDAY 2nd September 2017 – Village Hall

HANSLOPE REMEMBERS William Charles Evans – 22nd August 2017 5pm to 6pm

William was a Private in the 2nd/1st Bucks Battalion, Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry and killed at Passchendaele, during the phase known as the Battle of Langemarck. Initially buried by the battlefield, in 1919 his body was transferred to Tyne … Continue reading

Posted in Events, Hanslope, St James the Great Church, World War One Commemoration Committee | Comments Off on HANSLOPE REMEMBERS William Charles Evans – 22nd August 2017 5pm to 6pm

Vacancy at Acorn nursery for a Nursery Chef

Posted in Advert, Castlethorpe | Comments Off on Vacancy at Acorn nursery for a Nursery Chef

HANSLOPE HORTICULTURAL SHOW 2nd September 2017 – Schedule

Download Schedule as a PDF

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Village Hall | Comments Off on HANSLOPE HORTICULTURAL SHOW 2nd September 2017 – Schedule

Hanslope & District Cancer Wellbeing & Support Group – 17th July 2017 8pm

Hi everyone, just a reminder that the Hanslope & District Wellbeing & Cancer Support Group meets this evening at 8pm. In the coffee area of St James Church, Hanslope.  New members are very welcome.  We are an informal group who … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Events, Hanslope, Hanslope & District Cancer Support Group | Comments Off on Hanslope & District Cancer Wellbeing & Support Group – 17th July 2017 8pm

St James the Great Church Open Weekend -15th & 16th July 2017

Posted in Events, Hanslope, St James the Great Church | Comments Off on St James the Great Church Open Weekend -15th & 16th July 2017

Smallspace 6 – bigger and better than ever 16th July 2017

Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Village Hall | Comments Off on Smallspace 6 – bigger and better than ever 16th July 2017

Sing for Ho Saturday 22nd July 2017

Posted in Events, Hanslope, St James the Great Church | Comments Off on Sing for Ho Saturday 22nd July 2017

Hanslope & District Carers Support Group – next meeting Wednesday 28th June 2017: 1030 am to 1230 pm Coffee Area, St James Church

Posted in Hanslope Carers Group | Comments Off on Hanslope & District Carers Support Group – next meeting Wednesday 28th June 2017: 1030 am to 1230 pm Coffee Area, St James Church


Posted in Events, Hanslope, Hanslope Historical Society | Comments Off on TONIGHT!