26th July 2016 – Commissioning of the new Roll of Honour


On 26th July 2016 a newly commissioned Roll of Honour, listing the names of a further 119 Hanslope men and women who served in World War One, was dedicated. It was placed alongside the original Roll that had been created in April 1915 in the porch of St James Church. We hope that these represent now a complete record. The total number of people is 199, of whom 22 men died.

The original artwork was designed and created by Jan Mehigan. She was asked to reflect the mood of soldiers returning home at the end of World War One. Many had endured great suffering in mind, body and spirit – with wounds they would endure for the rest of their lives. But there was a feeling of great relief and optimism. Although the overall size is almost the same as the original, it reflects the great change in people’s attitudes to war during those four years. The painting is in watercolour. The first letter of every surname and other calligraphy are highlighted in gold leaf. Lines of text were chosen to lighten a large star and reflect their hope for the future as well as ours, one hundred years on. They are:

            Be strong and of good courage (Joshua 1.6)
            My head shall be lifted up (Psalm 27.6)
            My stronghold and deliverer (Psalm 144.2)
            For the healing of the nations (Revelation 22.2)
            I must have no hatred for anyone (Edith Cavell, Nurse)
            I will give peace in the land (Leviticus 26:6)
            None will make you afraid (Leviticus 26:6)
            Saints persevere to the end    (F F Bruce)

Jan Mehigan BA, Cert Ed, HFCLAS, FSSI, Dip.SBA, is an Honoured Fellow and Trustee Chairman of the prestigious Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society and a Fellow of the Society of Scribes and Illuminators. She is one of the country’s leading specialists in illuminated artwork; writes books; and teaches at specialist colleges. Her work is in, amongst other places, the Fitzwilliam Collection of Contemporary Calligraphy in Cambridge. She lives and works on Hayling Island, Hampshire.

The bespoke new frame was created by Michael Dolling using solid oak, acid-free back boards and ‘Clarity’ glass (which is non-reflective, water white, recommended for conservation and museum use.) He is an Antiques and Fine Furniture restorer based in Norfolk. It is as close a match as possible to the frame for the original Roll which Michael restored last year.

RESEARCH is ongoing. We are adding details about the people on the Roll to the Hanslope & District Historical Society’s website and always welcome more information, especially photographs. See http://www.mkheritage.org.uk/hdhs/ under Village History

We owe a great debt of gratitude to The Heritage Lottery Fund for their grant in making this work possible. Also to the website, Buckinghamshire Remembers. Peter and June Underwood and Clint Lawson have worked tirelessly for a number of years to create an extraordinary site which records almost all the men who served in WW1 from every parish in Buckinghamshire.

Hanslope WW1 Commemoration Committee is a sub-committee of the Hanslope & District Historical Society.

Members include representatives from the society, Hanslope Parish Council and St James Church.

Dedication Readers of names on the Roll








Family & Friends on the Platform







New Roll of Honour with Clint Lawson
















The New Roll of Honour Names













The Picture on the New Roll of Honour















Image of full unframed Roll of Honour
























Framed new Roll of Honour in its position in the Porch of St James the Great, Hanslope















The full list of names commemorated on the Rolls of Honour
can be seen :
–  as a PDF
as a WORD document

Fr Gary, Jan Megihan and Mary Nokes
receiving the new Roll of Honour
