Community Car Service

Community Action:MK has set up a Community Car Service project in Milton Keynes, with support from South Northants Volunteer Bureau, Milton Keynes Council and  MK community Foundation. The aim of the Community Action:MK’s Community Car Service is to provide safe and reliable transportation for elderly, disabled and vulnerable adults of the community who struggle to use or have limited/no access to Public transport, in order to help them access a range of medical services or social care visits.

There is a Passenger membership fee to cover administration (currently £15 til July 2016) and then a payment to drivers of 0.45pence per mile to cover the cost of their petrol/diesel. Journeys will only be accepted at present to medical appointments and social group activities (ie lunch clubs etc).

For Community Action:MK to be able to provide a service to our Parish we first need to recruit local drivers, so we are looking for anybody who would be interested in becoming a volunteer driver who lives in or around these parishes.

If you require any further information about the service please feel free to ring either Tracy Whitmore or Laura Jeffery on 01908 670309 or email them at

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