The Parish Council has entered Hanslope into the 2013 Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village Competition. The competition, now in its 56th year is organised by the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils.
The object of the competition is to encourage residents to improve their local environment by keeping their villages clean and well cared for and involving the whole of the community in taking a pride in the villages’ upkeep.
The judges’ checklist includes:
- the absence of litter
- the condition of village greens, playing fields,
- the condition of village halls and public buildings
- the condition of churchyards, cemeteries and war memorials
- the condition of hedges and verges
- the condition of bus shelters, notice boards, toilets
- the condition of areas surrounding pubs and shops
- the evidence of community effort
The judging will take place in June. The competition awards are for BEST KEPT villages, NOT beautiful villages. Care, cleanliness, maintenance and community effort are what the judges are looking for.
Your help is need to improve the appearance of the village. If we can all do our little bit in ensuring the area where we live is tidy, then this will go a long way to meeting what the judges are looking for.
In addition, should you feel that to brighten up a specfic area some flowers, hanging baskets, small shrubs are need then please contact the clerk of the council who will collate these requirements and arrange for their purchase ( hanslopeparishcouncil@hotmail.
Thanking you in anticipation for your help.
Ken Reynolds
Chairman Hanslope Parish Council.