Hanslope Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are pleased to announce that the NP has been recommended by the independent Inspector, to proceed to referendum.  The full plan is available here and the referendum is scheduled for the 26th September 2019.  With a NP in place, the Local Planning Authority (MK Council) must use the provisions within the Plan when deciding on planning applications.  This will help to address the recent surfeit of developments in the village but……


A significant proportion of the village must vote in favour of the Plan, at the referendum, for it to be become ‘made’.  The question you will be asked is:

“Do you want Milton Keynes Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hanslope to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Any resident of the parish, who is entitled to vote in an election, will be entitled to vote and will receive a polling card (provided they are registered).


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