Hartwell Church Heritage Weekend 10th & 11th September 2016

Heritage Weekend 10th & 11th September 2016.

Hartwell Church Heritage Weekend
This year Hartwell Church will be holding a wedding dress and photograph exhibition in the church on Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th. Come and see what brides have worn though the past 80 years. Look round our lovely church and browse the hand craft stall.
This coincides with the annual Ride and Stride taking place on the 10th. Refreshments will be available. The church will be open from 10.00am until 5.00.pm on the Saturday and from 11.30am (after service) until 4.00pm on the Sunday.
Hartwell Church Wedding Dress Exhibition Sept 16
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The Club’s 120th Anniversary 17th September 2016


120 Anniversary 2016-09-17



120 Anniversary cafe 2016-09-17

120 Anniversary Music 2016-09

120 Anniversary Hog Roast 2016-09-17

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Horticultural Show 04/09/2016 – Schedule and Entry Form

2016 Schedule for FB and website
Poster 2016

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Horticultural Show 2016

Advanced warning poster

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Outline planning application for 150 dwellings

An outline application for 150 dwellings on land off Castlethorpe Road, Hanslope (between Cuckoo Hill and Western Drive) is now available on MK Council’s Planning site:

16/02106/OUT | Outline application (all matters reserved except access) for residential development of up to 150 dwellings, estate road, open space and associated works. | Land Off Castlethorpe Road Hanslope

The application is an outline with all matters reserved (except access). This means the developer will have to put in a Reserved Matters application with full details of design, drainage, numbers, house types, highways etc at a later date.

There are 29 associated documents.

Important dates include:

  • Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Friday 02 September 2016

For Milton Keynes the Standard Consultation is a 2 week period from validation. Standard consultation relates to the statutory bodies and so will include: highways, housing officers, waste, internal drainage board and the Parish Council.

Update 2016-08-16 : The Parish Council have negotiated a time extension, the planning officer involved is happy to accept the Parish Council’s response on the 13th September.

  • Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date: Friday 09 September 2016

This will be for those who have received (or will be receiving) letters in the post about the development. They will be the immediate neighbours and land owners. However:

“Anyone can respond to a planning consultation. In addition to individuals who might be directly affected by a planning application, community groups and specific interest groups (national as well as local in some cases) may wish to provide representations on planning applications.” (Government Planning Guidance)

Responses to the application can be sent via the planning portal or by writing to the planner at any stage of the application. The earlier any objections relating to design/distances etc. are raised the better so they can be looked at before the determination deadline.

A standard letter of objection may be used to register your objection to Milton Keynes Council, you can email it or upload it online by pasting it into the comments box.

  • Hanslope Parish Council meeting: Monday 12th September, 7.30pm

The planning application for the land off Castlethorpe Road will be on the agenda. Further details of the meeting and the agenda will be displayed on the Parish notice board 4 days before the meeting.  Any member of the public wishing to speak at the meeting on the 12th September is requested to contact the Parish Council Clerk by 5pm on the 9th September. Anyone can also email the Clerk any comments prior to the meeting if they are unable to attend or are not happy to speak in public which the Clerk will circulate to the councillors before the meeting.

  • Determination deadline: Thursday 27 October 2016

The date when the Council’s 13 week application time is up. However if there are objections it will have to go to Committee, which may be before the 27th October but is unlikely.

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Returning by popular demand – this fantastic Barbershop Harmony Group. They are tremendous.

Hartwell Church 5 Ways Concert Sept 2016

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|Hanslope & District Cancer Wellbeing and Support Group – next meeting 15th August 2016

Cancer Support Poster Generic June16

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Hanslope “Pop-Up” Coffee Shops start tomorrow – everybody welcome

C@C POP UP Coffee Shop aug 16 (003)

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Couples Come Dine With Me

ComeDineWithMeNorthampton Poster 1 2016-08

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Gallagher Estates MK ‘daughter settlement’ proposal

“Gallagher Estates is seeking permission to build a ‘daughter settlement’ on a massive chunk of land running from Little Linford, through Haversham and up to Castlethorpe.” (MK Citizen 2016-08-04)

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