The WHOMOBILE, DALEKS, K9 & much more in Hanslope this Sunday

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Cancer Support group Meeting July 2015

There will be an explanation and demonstration of Mindfulness techniques at next meeting. Anyone who has or has had cancer or who supports family &/or friends with cancer is most welcome to attend.

Cancer Support Group Poster July 15

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Vacancy – Deputy Playleader Hanslope 326 Club


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SMALLSPACE = Bigger and better than ever this year – not to be missed.

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The Club Progress Report


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July at Hanslope Working Men’s Club

Promotion July Kids Club and BBQ July Bingo July

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Support your Village Hall or Lose It!

HVH May AGM 2015

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Sunday 28th June 2015 Strawberries and Cream Tea

2015 St James Strawberry Cream Teas poster as jpeg

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May Winners of the 100 Club – why don’t you join?

Numbers 66, 150 and 123 are the lucky winners of the 100 Club draw for May 15 and share a prize of £67 between them. £67 also goes to Village Hall Funds. Are you a member? Why not join whilst supporting your village Hall you may win some cash. Membership is £1 per month. More details: including downloadable application form (or see poster)

100 Club Winning number running list  May 15_1

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Hartwell Church Events 2015 – Dates for your diary

St John the Baptist, Hartwell

Saturday 27th June 2015:             CHURCH SUMMER FETE

Click here for more details:


Saturday 25th July 2015:               STRAWBERRY TEA

Click here for more details:

Friday 18th September 2015:       SUMMER CONCERT

         5-Ways Byfield Barbershop Harmony Club

Click here for more details:

Saturday 5th December 2015:       CHRISTMAS FAYRE

Click here for more details:



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